무라카미 하루키, "바람의 노래를 들어라(hear the wind sing)" 영문판 번역 공부하기 3탄
# Hemingway, Fitzgerald, the other writers of his time, even compared to them, the militancy of his writing has never wavered, in my opinion. Unfortunately, even at the very end, Hartfield could never get a clear grasp of the shape of his own enemy. When it was all said and done, it was a very simple affair indeed. Eight years and two months, that was how long his own simple battle lasted, and then he died. In June of 1938, on a sunny Sunday morning, clutching a portrait of Hitler with his right hand and an open umbrella in his left, he jumped off the roof of the Empire State Building.
In June of 1938, on a sunny Sunday morning, clutching a portrait of Hitler with his right hand and an open umbrella in his left, he jumped off the roof of the Empire State Building.
1983년 6월의 어느 화창한 일요일 아침, 오른손에 히틀러 초상을 움켜쥐고, 왼손에는 우산을 들고 그가 엠파이어 스테이트 빌링 지붕에서 뛰어내렸다.
☞ Hemingway, Fitzgerald, the other writers of his time, even compared to them, the militancy of his writing has never wavered, in my opinion.
헤밍웨이, 피츠제럴드, 그리고 그 시대의 많은 작가들에게 그의 글쓰기 규율은 전혀 수그러들지 않았다. 내 생각에는.
* militancy : militant behaviour and actions
* waver : if a person wavers, they are not certain about what to say or do
☞ Unfortunately, even at the very end, Harfield could never get a clear grasp of the shape of his own enemy.
불행하게도 하트필드는 그 자신의 적에 대해 명확한 이해를 하지 못했다.
When it was all said and done, it was a very simple affair indeed. Eight years and two months, that was how long his own simple battle lasted, and then he died.
종합해보면 그것은 정말로 단순한 일이었다. 그 단순한 싸움은 8년 하고도 2달 동안 지속되다 그는 생을 마감했다.
*When it was all said and done : when you consider the whole of a situation, and not just one aspect of it
* clutching: to hold someone or something firmly, for example because you are afraid or in pain, or do not want to lose them