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영작하기 : 저는 뉴욕양키즈 광팬이에요!

by 북노마드 2022. 12. 18.

1. 저는 뉴욕양키즈 광팬이에요!


(나의영작) I am a big fan of the NY Yankees.

(모범 답안) I am a huge fan of  the NY Yankees.

big / loyal / dedicated / diehard


Old habits die hard.

Jump on the bandwagon 유행에 편승 / 대세에 동참

a bandwagoner 무늬만 팬


He was a Yankee. 양키즈 선수였다.

2. 그 여자가 절벽에서 뛰어내리기라도 하면 너도 따라 뛰어내릴 거야?


(나의 영작) If she jumps from the edge, are you going to do that, too?

(모범 답안) If you jumped  off a cliff, would you follow her(would you do it, too)?


가정 >> 추측

3. 결국 따지고 보면 운이 가장 크게 좌우한다.


(나의 영작) After all, the fate is everything (all about)

(모범 답안) At the end of the day, luck is the most important factor.


It all comes down to money.  결국 돈이다.

It all comes down to luck. 


Luck is the biggest factor, after all.

It all depends on luck.

4. 꾸준히 운동을 하면 살은 빠진다.


(나의 영작) Keeping exercising makes you slimmer

(모범 답안) If you work out on a cosistent basis, you'll lose weight.


If you keep exercising, you'll lose weight.

exercise practice 실기 실제

If you work out (헬스장에서 운동하는 것) 

on a cosistent basis / on a regular basis


regular 규칙적인, 자주


He's a regular 단골손님.

5. 지금이 사업 확장 적기라고 본다.


(나의 영작) Now is the appropriate time of expanding your business.

(모범 답안) Now / This is the right time to grow the business.


In my opinion, it is time to expand the business.


적기 / 확장

적절한 시점 appropriate

 the right 명사 (반대는 wrong)

He is the right person.

at the right time 적시

in the right place 적소


확장 grow 양적(크기)


<->  축소 shrink contract


contraction : I am => I'm


I see that 이해! 보이는 것!! 


I think / believe / figure

6. 양심상 못 본체 하고 있을 수는 없었다.


(나의 영작) I couldn't overlook at it for my conscience.

(모범 답안) I just couldn't stay back / stand by in good conscience. 



conscientious objector 양심적 병역 거부자


양심 = 주관적 판단


I couldn't turn a blind eye to it.

ignore it.

morals 양심

It was against my morals. 

to sit back and do nothing.

