1. 요즘은 채소나 과일이 많이 들어간 건강식을 하고 있다
(나의 영작)
I am on a healthy diet with lots of vegetable and fruits these days.
Nowadays, I have eaten lots of vegetable and fruits.
(모범 답안)
건강식 : I eat healthy (these days)
I eat health foods
I'm on a diet. = 이런 식의 살을 안 찌는 식단조절을 하고 있다는 뜻
I am on a heathy diet.
I eat / follw a heathy diet. (follow : 지키다, 의 느낌이 있다)
I'm on a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables.
high / rich in fruts and vegetables
I eat healthy with lots of fruits and vegetables.
2. 영어 조기교육에 대해 어떻게 생각하세요?
(나의 영작)
How do you think about early training on English?
(모범 답안)
What do you think of it?
How do you like it? (그거 어땠어? 소감 물어볼 때 : How did you like it?)
What do you think of early English eduation (as a foreign language)?
What do you think of early foreing language education?
Where do you stand on it? 어떤 입장이세요?
What's your stance?
How effective do you think foreign language learning at a young age is?
몇 세부터 시작해야 하나?
How old is old enough to start learnign a foreign language?
3. 가정 폭력은 어떤 경우라도 결코 용납할 수 없다.
(나의 영작)
Family violence shouldn't be tolerated in any case.
(모범 답안)
가정 폭력 : domestic violence
용납 : tolerate condone
Domestic violence should never be condoned under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances should domestic vilence be tolerated.
Domestic violence of any kind is unacceptable / inexcusable.
Don't let anyone get away with domestic violence.
Domestic violence should not go unpunished.
4. 15 년을 함께 살아온 우리 개를 어제 안락사 시킬 수 밖에 없었습니다.
(나의 영작)
We had no choice but to sleep forever our dog which lived for 15 years with us.
(모법 답안)
put down
put sb to sleep 재우다
her husband of 30 years
a survay of 500 people
I had to put down my dog of 15 years yesterday.
I had to put my dog to sleep yesterday after 15 years together.
I had no choice but to euthanize my dog of 15 years yesterday.
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