1. 내식으로 요약해 보기
Epigenetics is the study where scientists work on how the genes are affected by the environment such as the way we behave, when we go to sleep, what we eat everyday, and etc. Of course, they don't deny the fact that DNA can be changed with time, which means they also agree that DNA is fixed on birth. But they argue that the way the genes are expressed could be changed along with the lifetime. For example, the trauma and habits could be passed down to the later generations. With this founding, we can illustrate a hope that no matter how hard circumstances we face, we can make our own way for ourselves.
2. 챗지피티로 수정받기
Epigenetics is the study of how environmental factors, such as our behavior, sleep patterns, and diet, can affect gene expression. While scientists acknowledge that DNA can be altered over time, they argue that gene expression can also change throughout one's lifetime. For example, trauma and habits may be passed down to future generations. With this understanding, we can find hope in the idea that regardless of the challenges we face, we have the ability to shape our own destinies.
( 에피제네틱스는 우리의 행동, 수면 패턴, 식습관과 같은 환경 요인이 유전자 발현에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 연구하는 학문입니다. 과학자들은 DNA가 시간이 지남에 따라 변할 수 있다는 사실을 인정하지만, 그들은 유전자 발현도 한 사람의 삶 동안 변할 수 있다고 주장합니다. 예를 들어, 외상과 습관은 후대로 전달될 수 있습니다. 이러한 이해를 통해, 우리는 어떤 어려움에 직면하더라도 우리 자신의 운명을 조절할 수 있는 희망을 찾을 수 있습니다.)
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