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무라카미 하루키, "1Q84" 영문판 번역 공부하기 8탄

by 북노마드 2022. 10. 25.

#  “It certainly is a quiet car,” Aomame declared, as if to sweep the little cloud away.
“And the stereo looks especially fine.”
“Decisiveness was key when I bought it,” the driver said, like a retired staff officer
explaining a past military success. “I have to spend so much time in here, I want the
best sound available. And—”
Aomame waited for what was to follow, but nothing followed. She closed her eyes
again and concentrated on the music. She knew nothing about Janáček as a person,
but she was quite sure that he never imagined that in 1984 someone would be
listening to his composition in a hushed Toyota Crown Royal Saloon on the
gridlocked elevated Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo.


☞ "It certanily is a quiet car," Aomame declared, as if to sweep the little cloud away. 

정말 조용한 차네요, 아오마메가 조그만 구름을 걷어내듯 말했다.


☞ "And the stereo looks especially fine." "Decisiveness was key when I bought it," the driver said, like a retired staff officer explaining a past military success. "I have to spend so much time in here, I want the best sound available. And-"

특히 스테레오가 멋지네요. 제가 이 차를 샀을 때는 확신이 있었어요. 기사가 말했다. 마치 전역한 장교가 과거의 전투경험을 회상하듯이. 여기에 돈을 쏟아부었죠. 최고의 소리가 나길 원했거든요. 그리고...


* Decisiveness : able to make choices or decide what to do quickly and confidently

As a chairman, he was firm and decisive.

☞ Aomame waited for what was to follow, but nothing followed. She closed her eyes again and concentrated on the music. She knew nothing about Janáček as a person, but she was quite sure that he never imainged that in 1984 someone would be listening to his composition in a hushed Toyota Crown Royal Saloon on the gridlocked elevated Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo.

아오마메는 무언가를 생각하려고 멈췄으나 아무 것도 생각나지 않았다. 그녀는 다시 눈을 감았고 음악에 귀를 기울였다. 그녀는 Janáček에 대해 개인적으로 아무것도 몰랐지만, 1984년에 그는 그 누군가가 도쿄의 고속도로 위에서 도요타를 타고 그의 노래를 들으리라는 것은 아마 상상도 하지 못했을 것이라 확신했다.

# Why, though, Aomame wondered, had she instantly recognized the piece to be
Janáček’s Sinfonietta? And how did she know it had been composed in 1926? She
was not a classical music fan, and she had no personal recollections involving
Janáček, yet the moment she heard the opening bars, all her knowledge of the piece
came to her by reflex, like a flock of birds swooping through an open window. The
music gave her an odd, wrenching kind of feeling. There was no pain or
unpleasantness involved, just a sensation that all the elements of her body were being
physically wrung out. Aomame had no idea what was going on. Could Sinfonietta
actually be giving me this weird feeling?


☞ Why, though, Aomame wondered, had she instantly recognized the piece to be Janáček’s Sinfonietta?

그런데 왜 그녀는 단번에 Janáček’s Sinfonietta의 노래임을 알아차렸을까?


☞ And how did she know it had been composed in 1926?

어떻게 그녀는 그 노래가 1926년에 작곡됐다는 사실을 알고 있었을까?


☞  She was not a classical music fan, and she had no personal recollections involving Janáček, yet the moment she heard the opening bars, all her knowledge of the piece came to her by reflex, like a flock of birds swooping through an open window.

그녀는 클래식 음악 애호가도 아니었고, Janáček는 물론이고 어떤 음악가의 작품을 개인적으로 소장하지도 않았지만, 도입부를 듣자마자 어떤 노래인지 알아 맞췄다. 마치 새무리가 열린 창문을 통해 급습하는 것처럼.


* swoop: to move quickly and suddenly downwards through the air, especially in order to attack or catch someone or something

The aircraft swooped down over the fields in search of its target.

We watched the hawk swoop on its prey.

☞ The music gave her an odd, wrenching kind of feeling. There was no pain or unpleasantness involved, just a sensation that all the elements of her body were being physically wrung out.


* wrench : to pull or twist something or someone suddenly and violently

He wrenched the phone out of her hands.

* wring out : to twist and squeeze something in order to remove liquid from it

I’ll just wring out this jumper and hang it up.

☞ Aomame had no idea what was going on. could Sinfonietta actually be giving me this weird feeling?

아오마메는 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 전혀 몰랐다. 어떻게 Sinfonietta가 자신에게 이런 요상한 감정을 느끼게 하는지

