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무라카미 하루키, "1Q84" 영문판 번역 공부하기 6탄

by 북노마드 2022. 10. 7.

# Some people would get the name of the plant wrong and call her “Edamame” or “Soramame,” whereupon she would gently correct them: “No, I’m not soybeans or fava beans, just green peas. Pretty close, though. Aomame.” How many times in her thirty years had she heard the same remarks, the same feeble jokes about her name? My life might have been totally different if I hadn’t been born with this name. If I had had an ordinary name like Sato or Tanaka or Suzuki, I could have lived a slightly more relaxed life or looked at people with somewhat more forgiving eyes. Perhaps.

☞ Some people would get the name of the plant wrong and call her "Edamame" or "Soramame," whereupon she would gently correct them: "No, I'm not soybeans or fava beans, just green peas. Pretty close, though. Aomame."

어떤 사람들은 그녀의 이름을 잘못 알아 들어, 풋콩 또는 누에콩이라고 부르기도 했다. 그럴 때마다 아오마메는 정중하게 정정을 해 준다. "아뇨, 제 이름은 풋콩이나 누에콩이 아니라, 녹색 콩입니다. 물론 무척 비슷하죠. 아오마메."


* whereupon: used for showing that something happens just after or because of something that has been mentioned

Addy stared at them in amazement, whereupon all three burst out laughing.

 How many times in her thirty years had she heard the same remarks, the same feeble jokes about her name?


* feeble: not good enough to achieve the intended result

feeble excuse: 

That’s a pretty feeble excuse for not calling your mother.

a feeble attempt/effort: 

He made a feeble attempt to start a conversation with me.

 My life might have been totally different if I hadn't been born with this name. If I had had an ordinary name like Sato or Tanaka or Suzuki, I could have lived a slightly more relaxed life or looked at people with somewhat more forgiving eyes. Perhaps. 

다른 이름으로 태어났더라면 내 삶은 완전히 다른 모습이었을 텐데. 사토나 타나카, 또는 스즈키 같은 평범한 이름이었다면 어쩌면 좀더 편안하게 살 수 있지 않았을까, 물론 때론 사람들이 내 이름을 기억하지 못하는 날도 있었을 테고. 아마도 말이다.

# Eyes closed, Aomame listened to the music, allowing the lovely unison of the brasses to sink into her brain. Just then it occurred to her that the sound quality was too good for a radio in a taxicab. Despite the rather low volume at which it was playing, the sound had true depth, and the overtones were clearly audible. She opened her eyes and leaned forward to study the dashboard stereo. The jet-black device shone with a proud gloss. She couldn’t make out its brand name, but it was obviously high end, with lots of knobs and switches, the green numerals of the station readout clear against the black panel. This was not the kind of stereo you expected to see in an ordinary fleet cab.

☞ Eyes closed, Aomame listened to the music, allowing the lovely unison of the brasses to sink into her brain.

눈을 감고, 아오마메는 음악을 들었다. 브라스의 환상적인 제주가 그녀의 머릿속에 조용히 스며들었다.


*unison: a section of music where the singers or players all perform the same note or notes that are an octave apart


☞ Just then it occured to ther that the sound quality was too good for a radio in a taxicab. Despite the rather low volume at which it was playing, the sound had true depth, and the overtones were clearly audible. 

바로 그때 음질이 택시 라디오치고는 너무 좋은 게 아닌가, 라는 생각이 스쳤다. 다소 낮은 볼륨에도 불구하고, 소리는 밀도가 있었고,  전주부분이 또렷하게 들렸다.


* overtone: a quality or feature that is noticeable but not obvious

a book with political overtones

 She opened her eyes and leaned forward to study the dashboard stereo. The jet-black device shone with a proud gloss. 

그녀는 눈을 떴고 몸을 숙여 대쉬보드를 들여바돴다. 검은색 기기가 빛을 받아 반짝이며 빛났다. 


* gloss the shiny surface of something such as paper, paint, or a photograph

a paint that gives a high (=very shiny) gloss

* jet-black : very shiny and black in colour

jet-black hair

  she couldn't make out its brand name, but it was obviously high end, with lots of knobs swithes, the green mumerals of the station readout clear against the black panel. This was not the kind of stereo you expected to see in an ordinary fleet cab.

 브랜드명을 분간하기는 어려웠지만, 수많은 고리와 매듭, 스위치, 검정 패널에서 또렷하게 빛나는 글자들로 미루어 보아 고가의 제품임이 확실했다. 일반 총알택시에서 볼 수 있는 스테리오가 아니었다.


*knot: a point where string, rope, or cloth is tied together, or is twisted together and pulled tight

Can you tie a knot in the end of this thread?

*fleet: able to move fast

