1. 바보는 진리를 무시하는 반면에, 현명한 사람은 진리를 추구한다.
(나의 영작) While the fool neglects the truth, the wise looks for it.
(모범 답안) Wise men seek after truth, while fools despise it.
2. 그 여자는 대답하지 않고 그 책을 책상 위에 놓고 가 버렸다.
(나의 영작) She went away leaving the book on the desk without responding it.
(모범 답안) She did not answer but put the book on the table and went away.
3. 그는 늦지 않도록 서둘렀다.
(나의 영작) He hurried not to be late.
(모범 답안) He hurried on lest he should be late.
4. 좀더 천천히 말씀하지 않으면 알아듣지 못하겠습니다.
(나의 영작) Unless you slow down, I don't understand.
(모범 답안) I cannot understand you unless you speak more slowly.
5. 김씨는 영국에도 미국에도 가 보지 못했지만 영어를 썩 잘 한다.
(나의 영작) Mr.Kim has never been to England and America but he can speak English quite well.
(모범 답안) Though Mr.Kim has never been either to Engliand or to America, he is a good speaker of English.
6. 우리는 앉아마자 가야 할 시간이라는 것을 알았다.
(나의 영작) Right after we sat down, we got to know it was time to go.
(모범 답안) As soon as we sat down, we knew it was time to go.
7. 사람은 심신이 아울러 건전해야 한다.
(나의 영작) Men should be moderate not only in their body but also in their mind.
(모범 답안) A man ought to be sound in body as well as in mind.
8. 그들은 결혼한지 한 달도 못 되어서 싸우기 시작했다.
(나의 영작) They started fighting less than a month after they got married.
(모범 답안) They had not been married a month when they began to quarrel.
9. 사람은 건강을 잃고 나서야 비로소 건강의 중요성을 안다.
(나의 영작) A man gets to know the importance of the health right after they lose it.
(모범 답안) People do not know the importance of health until they lose it.
10. 다른 사람들이 단지 어떤 책을 읽는다고 해서 그 책을 읽지는 말아라.
(나의 영작) Do not read a book just because the others read the book.
(모범 답안) Do not read boks simply because others are reading them.
11. 시간이 지나감에 따라 사태가 더 악화되는 것처럼 보였다.
(나의 영작) Things looked like getting worse as time went by.
(모범 답안) As time passed, things seemed to get worse.
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