1. 나는 8시까지 그를 기다렸으나, 그는 결국 오지 않았다.
(나의 영작) I waited for him until 8 pm, but he didn't come after all.
(모범 답안) I waited for him till 8, but he didn't come after all.
2. 오늘 아침 학교 가는 길에, 나는 초등학교 시절의 선생님을 한 분 만났다.
(나의 영작) On my way to school this morning, I met one of the teachers from my elementary school.
(모범 답안) This morning I met a teacher of my primary school days on my way to school.
3. 요즈음은 많은 여성들을 첫 아이를 가지는 것이 20대 후반이나 30대 초반이다.
(나의 영작) Nowadays, many women have their first baby when they are in their late 20s or early 30s.
(모범 답안) Nowadays many women are in their late twenties or early thirties when they have their first child.
4. 면전에서 아첨하는 사람은 뒤에서 욕하기 쉽다.
(나의 영작) Those who flatter you in front of you tend to speak ill of you behind you.
(모범 답안) Those who flatter you to your face are apt to speak ill of you behind your back.
5. 그의 성공은 전적으로 내조의 덕이다.
(나의 영작) His success owes him her support.
(모범답안) His success is entirely due to the assistance of his wife.
6. 양심을 희생하여 돈과 권력을 얻으면, 그것은 오히려 인생의 커다란 실패다.
(나의 영작) If get the money and the power against your conscience, it would be a great failure in life otherwise.
(모범답안) If you get riches and power at the cost of your conscience, it is rather a great failure in life.
7. 그 사건을 기념하여 기념탑을 세웠다.
(나의 영작) We built the tower in memory of the event.
(모범답안) A momument was erected in memory of the event.
8. 사람은 그의 인내에 비례하여 성공한다.
(나의 영작) Men succeed in aligh with their perseverence.
(모범답안) A man will succeed in proportion to his perseverance.
9. 붉은 신호등이 켜졌는데도 길을 횡당해서는 안 된다.
(나의 영작) You must not cross the street although the light turns red.
(모범영작) Yopu must not cross the street against the red light.
10. 다른 학생들은 시간을 허송하는데, 이 학생은 꾸준히 자기 학업을 계속한다.
(나의 영작) The other students waste their time, while this one keeps working.
(모범답안) While others are idling away their time, this student goes on steadily with his studies.
11. 친구가 친철하게 너의 과오를 깨우쳐 주면, 그가 하는 말을 고맙게 받아들여라.
(나의 영작) If one of your friends makes you realize your fault, genlty accept what he said.
(모범답안) If your friend kindly reminds you of your faults, take what he says thankfully.
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