1. 우리 국기를 보고, 나는 가슴 속에서 애국심이 솟아오르는 것을 느꼈다.
(나의 영작) I felt a sense of patriosm deep in mind at the sight of our national flag.
(모범 답안) At the sight of our national flag, I felt the patriot rising up in my heart.
2. 집에 화재가 일어나는 경우를 대비하여 소화기를 비치해둬라.
(나의 영작) Put the fire extinguisher at home in the prepation of fire.
(모범 답안) Keep an extinguisher in case a fire breaks out in the house.
3. 그는 사업가로서는 성공했지만 정치가로서는 실패했다.
(나의 영작) He made a success as a businessman but failed as a politician.
(모범 답안) He is a success as a businessman but a failure as a politician.
4. 그는 경험과 학식을 겸비한 사람이다.
(나의 영작) He is a man with the experience and the knowledge.
(모범 답안) He is a man of experience and knowledge.
5. 그의 방에는 4, 5점의 가구가 있는데, 모두가 그의 세련된 취미를 보여 주고 있다.
(나의 영작) His room has four or five pieces of the furniture, all of which shows his fine taste.
(모범 답안) There four or five pieces of furniture in his room, and each of them reflects his refined taste.
6. 그 소년이 담 너머로 돌을 몇 개 던져 유리창을 두 장 깼다.
(나의 영작) The boy threw a few of stones to break two pieces of the windows.
(모범 답안) The boy threw a few stones over the fence and broke two windowpanes.
7. 역으로부터 2시간 버스를 타면 그의 고향 마을에 닿는다.
(나의 영작) Two hours' ride on the bus from the staton takes his native place.
(모범 답안) Two hours' bus ride from the station takes you to his native village.
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