1. 2분 전에 도착했더라면 너는 그 기차를 잡았을 텐데.
(나의 영작) If I had arrived there two minutes earlier, I could have taken the train.
(모범 답안) If you had arrived two minutes earlier, you would have caught the train.
2. 그때 그 의사의 충고를 받아 들였다면 나는 지금쯤은 건강할텐데.
(나의 영작) If I had accepted the doctor's advice at that time, I would be healthy now.
(모범 답안) If I had taken the doctor's davice then, I would be well about now.
3. 내가 너처럼 빨리 달릴 수 있다면 좋겠는데.
(나의 영작) I wish I could run as fast as you.
(모범 답안) 동일
4. 그가 신체적으로 건강하기만 하면 그는 완전 할텐데.
(나의 영작) If he is physically well, he would be perfect.
(모범 답안) If only he was physically strong, he would be perfect.
5. 그가 영어로 말하는 것을 들으면, 당신은 그가 미국인이라고 생각할 것이다.
(나의 영작) If you listen him speak in English, you would think him American.
(모범 답안) If you heard him speak English, you would take him for an American.
6. 참된 신사라면 그런 짓을 하지 않았을 것이다.
(나의 영작) A real gentleman shouldn't have done such a thing.
(모범 답안) A true gentleman would not have done such a thing.
7. 그는 파리에 가본 적이 없다. 그러나, 갔었던 것처럼 이야기한다.
(나의 영작) He has never been to Paris. But he speaks as if he has been to.
(모범 답안) He has never been to Paris, but he talks as if he had been.
8. 너의 도움이 없었더라면 난 역사 시험에 낙제했을 것이다.
(나의 영작) Without your help, I would not have passed the history test.
(모범 답안) Without your help, I would have failed my histroy test.
9. 만약 태양이 달과 충돌한다면, 지구는 어떻게 될 것인가?
(나의 영작) If the sun collides with the moon, what if the earth would be?
(모범 답안) If the sun were to collide with the moon, what would become of the earth?
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