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영어작문하기: 수제버거, 영어로 어떻게 말하지?

by 북노마드 2023. 1. 20.

1. 일반적으로 GDP 가 높은 나라가 평균수명도 높다.


(나의 영작)

People live longer in the countries with a high GDP in general

The average span of lives is expected to be longer in the rich countries.


(모범 답안)

* 일반적으로는 generally만이 아니다. 

generally = in general  일반적으로

usually 보통은 그래요

tend to do 

will  하곤 한다



In  general,

contries with higher GDP

have a higher life expectancy.


Wealthier contries live longer

People in richer countries live longer


positive / negetive correlation 정비례/반비례

GDO is positively correlated with life expectancy.


There is /exists

a positive correlatoin between GDP and life expectancy.

2. 최근 몇 년 동안 자살을 택하는 청소년의 수가 점점 더 늘어나고 있다.


(나의 영작)

The number of the children who commit a suicide has been going up in recent years.

These days much more kids are trying to commit a suicide


(모범 답안)

The number of teen suicides

has increased in recent years.


More and more teens

have decied (할까말까하다가 이쪽으로 결정)

to take his or her own life ( 돌려서 얘기함) = to take their own life (*중성의  their)

in recent years.


Teens have increasingly chosen 

to commit suicide in recent years. 

3. 불우한 환경에 처해있는 사람들에게 공평한 기회를 주기 위해 노력해왔다.


(나의 영작)

We have made a great effort to give fair chances to those in poor conditions.


(모범 답안)

those in poverty (*환경, 생략)

those below the poverty line

the underprivileged 

the disavantaged 


I've worked hard = 노력해 왔다. 

to level the playing field for the disadvantaged


We've been committed (* 최선을 다한다) 

to providing equal opportunities for the underprivileged. 


We've been committed

to make sure

that those in poverty get the same opportunites.


to compete on a level plaing field

4. 수제버거에 대한 관심이 점점 더 높아지고 있다.


(나의 영작)

Many people are more interested in a hand made burger.

More people are buying hand made burgers these days.


(모범 답안)


handmade burgers 


premium burgers (웃돈을 주고 사는)

buy ~ at a premium


gourmet burgers(미식가) ? ˈɡʊə(r)meɪ

someone who knows a lot about good food and wine


quality burgers


better burgers


수제 craft burgers

a traditional skill of making things by hand, for example furniture or jewellery

the promotion of traditional Egyptian arts and crafts

skilled craft workers


Premium burgers 

have caught on 

have been trending (핫하다)

have been extremly popular 

these days. 


 More and more people are interested in craft burgers these days.


The demand for quality burgers has been off the charts. 차트에 담을 수 없을 정도다. 


