* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
오늘은 8장입니다. 8장 The Perfect Stock, What a Deal!
# Although it’s a nice gesture for the CEO or the corporate president with the
million-dollar salary to buy a few thousand shares of the company stock, it’s
more significant when employees at the lower echelons add to their positions. If
you see someone with a $45,000 annual salary buying $10,000 worth of stock,
you can be sure it’s a meaningful vote of confidence. That’s why I’d rather find
seven vice presidents buying 1,000 shares apiece than the president buying
☞ echelon : one of the levels of status or authority in an organization, or the people at that level
☞ vote of confidence:
☞ apiece : each or for each one
# If the stock price drops after the insiders have bought, so that you have a
chance to buy it cheaper than they did, so much the better for you.
It’s simple to keep track of insider purchases. Every time an officer or a
director buys or sells shares, he or she has to declare it on Form 4 and send the
form to the Securities and Exchange Commission advising them of the fact.
Several newsletter services, including Vicker’s Weekly Insider Report and The
Insiders, keep track of these filings. Barron’s, The Wall Street Journal, and
Investor’s Daily also carry the information. Many local business newspapers
report on insider trading on local companies—I know the Boston Business Journal
has such a column. Your broker may also be able to provide the information, or
you may find that your local library subscribes to the newsletters. There’s also a
tabulation of insider buying and selling in the Value Line publication.
☞ advise (one) of (something)
☞ carry the information : 정보를 실어 나른다, 라는 뉘앙스로 carry를 사용한 것을 눈여겨 보세요!
Investor’s Daily also carries the information
응용도 가능하겠죠? YTN도 그 정보를 보도했어요, 영작해 보세요!
YTN also carried the information.
☞ tabulate
: to show information in the form of a table (= an arrangement of facts and numbers in rows or blocks)
: to show pieces of information in an organized way such as in lists or rows
# (Insider selling usually means nothing, and it’s silly to react to it. If a stock
had gone from $3 to $12 and nine officers were selling, I’d take notice,
particularly if they were selling a majority of their shares. But in normal
situations insider selling is not an automatic sign of trouble within a company.
There are many reasons that officers might sell. They may need the money to
pay their children’s tuition or to buy a new house or to satisfy a debt. They may
have decided to diversify into other stocks. But there’s only one reason that
insiders buy: They think the stock price is undervalued and will eventually go
☞ diversify : to develop new products or activities in addition to the ones that you already provide or do
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