* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
오늘은 8장입니다. 8장 The Perfect Stock, What a Deal!
# At Teledyne, chairman Henry E. Singleton periodically offers to buy in the
stock at a much higher price than is bid on the stock exchange. When Teledyne
was selling for $5, he might have paid $7, and when the stock was at $10, then
he was paying $14, and so on. All along he’s given shareholders a chance to get
out at a fancy premium. This practical demonstration of Teledyne’s belief in
itself is more convincing than the adjectives in the annual report.
☞ periodic : happening regularly though not frequently
# The common alternatives to buying back shares are (1) raising the dividend,
(2) developing new products, (3) starting new operations, and (4) making
acquisitions. Gillette tried to do all four, with emphasis on the final three.
Gillette has a spectacularly profitable razor business, which it gradually reduced
in relative size as it acquired less profitable operations. If the company had
regularly bought back its shares and raised its dividend instead of diverting its
capital to cosmetics, toiletries, ballpoint pens, cigarette lighters, curlers, blenders,
office products, toothbrushes, hair care, digital watches, and lots of other
diversions, the stock might well be worth over $100 instead of the current $35.
In the last five years, Gillette has gotten back on track by eliminating losing
operations and emphasizing its core shaving business, where it dominates the
☞ spectacularly : very sudden or extreme, and therefore attracting a lot of attention
The newspapers charted every moment of his spectacular fall from grace.
☞ might well : used for saying that something is likely to happen or is likely to be true
# The reverse of buying back shares is adding more shares, also called diluting.
International Harvester, now Navistar, sold millions of additional shares to raise
cash to help it survive a financial crisis brought about by the collapse of the farmequipment
business (see chart). Chrysler, remember, did just the opposite—
buying back stock and stock warrants and shrinking the number of outstanding
shares as the business improved (see chart). Navistar is once again a profitable
company, but because of the extraordinary dilution, the earnings have a minimal
impact, and shareholders have yet to benefit from the recovery to any significant
☞ 지분 희석, 은 영어로 뭐라고 할까요?
dilute의 뜻이 바로 희석하다, 라는 뜻입니다.
to make a liquid less strong by adding water or another liquid
☞ to any significant degree :
But, the return
traffic would not be possible to control to any significant degree. |
If I could dream up a single glorious enterprise that combines all of the worst
elements of Waste Management, Pep Boys, Safety-Kleen, rock pits, and bottle
caps, it would have to be Cajun Cleansers. Cajun Cleansers is engaged in the
boring business of removing mildew stains from furniture, rare books, and
draperies that are victims of subtropical humidity. It’s a recent spinoff from
Louisiana BayouFeedback.
☞ mildew : a fungus like a white powder that grows on plants and other surfaces when they are slightly wet
☞ mould : tiny green, blue, or white fungi that grow on food that is not kept fresh or on other things that are not kept clean and dry
mildew와 mould 모두 우리말로는 곰팡이입니다. mould가 우리가 생각하는 곰팡이에 더 가깝고, mildew는 개중에서도 흰곰팡이를 이르는 말입니다.
☞ fungus : a living thing that grows mainly in wet places or on decaying substances. There are many types of fungi, including mushrooms, mildews, yeasts, and moulds.
☞ drapery : cloth that hangs somewhere as a decoration
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