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무라카미 하루키, "1Q84" 영문판 번역 공부하기 3탄

by 북노마드 2022. 9. 30.

# In 1926 Japan’s Taisho Emperor died, and the era name was changed to Showa. It was the beginning of a terrible, dark time in this country, too. The short interlude of modernism and democracy was ending, giving way to fascism.


In 1926 Japan's Taisho Emperor died, and the era name was chaned to Showa. 

1926년에 다이쇼 천황이 세상을 떠났고, 쇼와 시대가 다가왔다.


* era : a period of time that has a particular quality or character

We are living in an era in which technology is developing very rapidly.

the Thatcher era

a new era: 

The president promised to bring about a new era of peace.

the end of an era: 

Navratilova’s retirement marked the end of an era.


It was the beginning of a terrible, dark time in this country, too. The short interlude of modernism and democracy was ending, giving way to fascism.

이 나라에도 암흑의 시기가 시작되었다. 민주주의와 현대화의 시기는 쏜살같이 지나가 어느새 파시즘이 그 자리를 대신했다.


* interlude : a short period of time between two longer periods

Except for a 12-year interlude, the World Cup has been held every four years since 1930.

# Aomame loved history as much as she loved sports. She rarely read fiction, but history books could keep her occupied for hours. What she liked about history was the way all its facts were linked with particular dates and places. She did not find it especially difficult to remember historical dates. Even if she did not learn them by rote memorization, once she grasped the relationship of an event to its time and to the events preceding and following it, the date would come to her automatically. In both middle school and high school, she had always gotten the top grade on history exams. It puzzled her to hear someone say he had trouble learning dates. How could something so simple be a problem for anyone? 


Aomame loved history as much as she loved sports. She rarely read fiction, but history books could keep her occupied for hours.

아오마메는 스포츠만큼이나 역사를 좋아했다. 소설은 거의 읽지 않았지만 역사책은 한번 붙들면 몇 시간을 빠져들곤 했다.


What she liked about history was the way all its facts were linked with particular dates and places. 

그녀가 역사를 좋아하는 이유는 모든 사실들이 특정한 시간과 장소와 연결되는 방식 때문이었다.


She did not find it especially difficult to remember historical dates. 

그녀에게는 역사적인 사건의 일자를 기억하는 것이 그다지 어렵지 않았다.


Even if she did not learn them by rote memorization, once she grasped the relationship of an event to its time and to the events preceding and following it, the date would come to her automatically.

그녀는 역사적 사실을 굳이 외우지 않아도, 그것에 선행하는 그리고 뒤따르는 사건들의 관계를 재빨리 파악하였기 때문에 자동적으로 일자는 그녀의 머릿속에 새겨졌다.


* memorization :

the act or process of learning something so that you will remember it exactly:
the memorization of long lists of vocabulary
memorization techniques

* rote : the process of learning something by repeating it many times rather than by understanding it

Children still learn their times tables by rote.

rote learning: 

Rote learning does not really give people any insight into their subject.

* preceding : existing or coming immediately before someone or something else

Our contact information is located on the preceding pages.


In both middle schoool and high school, she had always gotten the top grade on history exams. 

중고등학생 시절, 그녀는 역사시험에서는 항상 만점을 받았다.


It puzzled her to hear someone say he had trouble learning dates. How could something so simple be a problem for anyone?

누군가 역사적 사건의 날짜를 외우는 게 어렵다고 하면 그녀는 당혹스러웠다. 어떻게 그렇게 쉬운 일이 어려운 게 될까?


