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영작하기: 양심상 그 사람 편을 들 순 없었다

by 북노마드 2022. 12. 24.

1. 양심상 그 사람 편을 들 순 없었다.


(나의 영작) I couldn't be on his side for my conscience.

(모범답안)  I couldn't, in good conscience, take his side (support / stand by him)


I'm on your side.

양심상 in good conscience


It was against my morals to support him.


I found it morally wrong to support him.

 2. 자영업의 장단점이 뭘까요?


(나의 영작) What are the pros and cons of the self-employed?

(모범 답안) What are the pros and cons of working for yourself?


merits and demerits


risks and benefits

benefits and drawbacks


advantages and disadvantages


positives and negatives

pros and cons 


a case for / against ~ 주장 / 근거


What are the cases for and agaist being self-emplyed?

3. 그는 현 경제 상황에 대한 자신의 생각을 솔직히 드러냈다.


(나의 영작) He honestly expresses his thoughts on the current economic status. 

(모범 답안) He spoke out on the current economic situation.


honest / straightforward


speak out on ~  >>  outspoken 거침없이 얘기하다


He was very outspoken on ~ 


mince 입안에 우물쭈말


He didn't mince words about ~ 

He minced no words about ~ 

4. 그는 이번 사태에 대한 책임을 지며 자리에서 물러났다.


(나의 영작) He stepped down from his post responsible for this incident.

(모범 답안) He took full responsibility for the crisis and stepped down from his post.


He took full (all the) responsibility 

for the crisis / the scandal / the incident  


and resigned / stepped down

from his post / his position

5. 현재까지 아홉 명이 실종 상태이다. 


(나의 영작) Nine people are lost (unfounded) until now. 

(모범 답안) Nine people are still unaccounted for.


account for 설명하다 / 차지하다


unaccounted for 설명이 안 되는 상태 


Nine people are still unaccounted for 

are still missing.


소재 whereabouts 


The whereabouts of nine people are still unknown.

6. 그 날을 기억 속에서 잊고 일상적인 삶을 살고 싶다.


(나의 영작) I want to live normal without forgetting the day.

(모법 답안) I want to get over the day and move on with my life.


I would like to (if possible) : ~할 수만 있다면


I want to get the day out of my head

I want to put thd day behind me

I want to get over the day.


I still can't get over her. 


move on // 


It's time to move on. 훌훌 털고 / 새롭게 /


I want to get over the day and move on with my life (and go on with my life).

