728x90 반응형 전체 글377 영어공부하기 : 'Almost a luxury': coffee, sugar, milk prices soar A morning coffee is now ‘almost a luxury’ for Europeans. * a luxury : 사치품 It’s compiled data on the cost of a pickme-up in the EU. * a pick me up : 술 커피 에너지음료 whole milk low-fat = skim milk 저지방 fat-free inflation in the euro zone hit a new record high of 10% in September. 2023. 1. 12. 영어공부하기 : Pepsi set to get first Tesla electric trucks (ft. 주행거리, 영어로) is set to get = is expected to ( 확정) I'm set to go = I'm ready to go set : 확정, 고정 Get set! Go! = 준비! 고! Tesla’s electric trucks could finally be about to roll off the production line * roll off 생산라인을 빠져 나오다 = move off Elon Musk says the first examples of the Semi will be delivered to PepsiCo on December 1. * examples * deliver = "주다"의 의미 (as expected / as promised) "예정대로, 약속대로 주다" He had origina.. 2023. 1. 12. 영어공부하기 : Plastic bags are a big environmental problem. Could worms be part of the solution (ft. 긁어 부스럼을 만들다, 영어로) Plastic bags present a big environmental problem * Plastic bags : 비닐백 * present : 명사로 "선물"이니까, 동사로 "주다" wax worms which infest beehives * infest : 우글거리다 * beehive(s) : 벌집 I was walking the street when~ Scientists are still trying to figure out applications * 적용처를 알아내다 it seems like they've opened up a can of worms. * a situation that involves a complicated set of problems that you discover when .. 2023. 1. 12. 영어공부하기 : Neighbors "adopt" elderly woman after she lost husband, home (ft. "생각만 해도...(감격)" 영어로) on the road : 집 떠나서, 순회공연 They found such terrible living conditions (that) they had to condemn her house. * condemn: to order something such as a building or machine to be destroyed because it is not safe when she learned that Gean had no kids or family to turn to * turn to : 의지하다 It's one thing to be neighborly, but you've taken it to the extreme * It's one thing vs it's another It means every.. 2023. 1. 12. 이전 1 ··· 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ··· 95 다음 728x90 반응형