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무라카미 하루키, "1Q84" 영문판 번역 공부하기 4탄 # “Aomame” was her real name. Her grandfather on her father’s side came from some little mountain town or village in Fukushima Prefecture, where there were supposedly a number of people who bore the name, written with exactly the same 12 characters as the word for “green peas” and pronounced with the same four syllables, “Ah-oh-mah-meh.” She had never been to the place, however. Her father had c.. 2022. 10. 5.
무라카미 하루키, "1Q84" 영문판 번역 공부하기 3탄 # In 1926 Japan’s Taisho Emperor died, and the era name was changed to Showa. It was the beginning of a terrible, dark time in this country, too. The short interlude of modernism and democracy was ending, giving way to fascism. In 1926 Japan's Taisho Emperor died, and the era name was chaned to Showa. 1926년에 다이쇼 천황이 세상을 떠났고, 쇼와 시대가 다가왔다. * era : a period of time that has a particular quality or .. 2022. 9. 30.
무라카미 하루키, "바람의 노래를 들어라(hear the wind sing)" 영문판 번역 공부하기 3탄 # Hemingway, Fitzgerald, the other writers of his time, even compared to them, the militancy of his writing has never wavered, in my opinion. Unfortunately, even at the very end, Hartfield could never get a clear grasp of the shape of his own enemy. When it was all said and done, it was a very simple affair indeed. Eight years and two months, that was how long his own simple battle lasted, and t.. 2022. 9. 29.
무라카미 하루키, "1Q84" 영문판 번역 공부하기 2탄 # How many people could recognize Janáček’s Sinfonietta after hearing just the first few bars? Probably somewhere between “very few” and “almost none.” But for some reason, Aomame was one of the few who could. ☞ How many people could recognize Janáček’s Sinfonietta after hearing just the first few bars? Probably somewhere between "very few" and "almost noen." 얼마나 많은 사람들이 처음 몇 소절만으로 Janáček’s Sin.. 2022. 9. 27.