* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
오늘은 8장입니다. 8장 The Perfect Stock, What a Deal!
I’d much rather own a local rock pit than own Twentieth Century-Fox,
because a movie company competes with other movie companies, and the rock
pit has a niche. Twentieth Century-Fox understood that when it bought up
Pebble Beach, and the rock pit with it.
☞ pit : a hole that you dig in the ground to put something in it
# Certainly, owning a rock pit is safer than owning a jewelry business. If you’re
in the jewelry business, you’re competing with other jewelers from across town,
across the state, and even abroad, since vacationers can buy jewelry anywhere and
bring it home. But if you’ve got the only gravel pit in Brooklyn, you’ve got a
virtual monopoly, plus the added protection of the unpopularity of rock pits.
☞ "어떤 산업에 종사하다"라는 표현을 아주 쉽에 영어로 만들 수 있습니다.
I am in the ** business, 여기서는 이런 식으로 표현을 했죠?
you’re in the jewelry business
☞ vacationer : a holidaymaker
☞ "아무 데서나 살 수 있다" 영어로 어떻게 했죠?
vacationers can buy jewelry anywhere
buy something anywhere, 라는 표현 눈 여겨 봐 주세요!
# The insiders call this the “aggregate” business, but even the exalted name
doesn’t alter the fact that rocks, sand, and gravel are as close to inherently
worthless as you can get. That’s the paradox: mixed together, the stuff probably
sells for $3 a ton. For the price of a glass of orange juice, you can purchase a half
ton of aggregate, which, if you’ve got a truck, you can take home and dump on
your lawn.
☞ exalted : an exalted position is an important position in an organization or in society
# What makes a rock pit valuable is that nobody else can compete with it. The
nearest rival owner from two towns over isn’t going to haul his rocks into your
territory because the trucking bills would eat up all his profit. No matter how
good the rocks are in Chicago, no Chicago rock-pit owner can ever invade your
territory in Brooklyn or Detroit. Due to the weight of rocks, aggregates are an
exclusive franchise. You don’t have to pay a dozen lawyers to protect it.
☞ haul : to pull or carry something heavy from one place to another with a lot of effort
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