* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
오늘부터는 10장입니다. 10장 Earnings, Earnings, Earnings
# Like the earnings line, the p/e ratio is often a useful measure of whether any
stock is overpriced, fairly priced, or underpriced relative to a company’s moneymaking
(In a few cases the p/e ratio listed in the newspaper may be abnormally high,
often because a company has written off some long-term losses against the
current short-term earnings, thus “punishing” those earnings. If the p/e seems
out of line, you can ask your broker to provide you with an explanation.)
☞ 주가가 비싼지, 적당한지, 싼 건지 영어로 어떻게 할까요? expensive, cheap이라는 단어를 빼고 표현해 보세요.
whether any stock is overpriced, fairly priced, or underpriced
☞ abnormally : in a way that is not normal, especially in a way that is worrying or that shows there may be something wrong or harmful
abnormally dry conditions
☞ 주가가 비상적으로 높다는 표현을 어떻게 했나요?
be abnormally high
# In today’s Wall Street Journal, for instance, I see that K mart has a p/e ratio of
10. This was derived by taking the current price of the stock ($35 a share) and
dividing it by the company’s earnings for the prior 12 months or fiscal year (in
this case, $3.50 a share). The $35 divided by the $3.50 results in the p/e of 10.
☞ 회계연도, 를 영어로 뭐라고 할까요?
fiscal year
# The p/e ratio can be thought of as the number of years it will take the
company to earn back the amount of your initial investment— assuming, of
course, that the company’s earnings stay constant. Let’s say you buy 100 shares
of K mart for $3,500. Current earnings are $3.50 per share, so your 100 shares
will earn $350 in one year, and the original investment of $3,500 will be earned
back in ten years. However, you don’t have to go through this exercise because
the p/e ratio of 10 tells you it’s ten years.
☞ 복잡하게 설명했는데, 너무 복잡하면 이해하려고 노력할 필요가 없다고 피터 린치는 말합니다.
그냥 P/E 비율이 10이면 그냥 10년 걸린다, 생각하면 된답니다. 투자회수기간이 10년.
# If you buy shares in a company selling at two times earnings (a p/e of 2), you
will earn back your initial investment in two years, but in a company selling at
40 times earnings (a p/e of 40) it would take forty years to accomplish the same
thing. Cher might be a great-grandmother by then. With all the low p/e
opportunities around, why then would anybody buy a stock with a high p/e?
Because they’re looking for Harrison Ford at the lumber yard. Corporate
earnings do not stay constant any more than human earnings do.
☞ 투자금을 회수하다, 영어로 어떻게 할까요?
earn back your initial investment
☞ lumber : timber. wood used for building houses or making furniture
☞ 꾸준히 이익을 내다, 영어로 어떻게 할까요?
corporate earnings do not stay constant
# The fact that some stocks have p/e’s of 40 and others have p/e’s of 3 tells you
that investors are willing to take substantial gambles on the improved future
earnings of some companies, while they’re quite skeptical about the future of
others. Look in the newspaper and you’ll be amazed at the range of p/e’s that you
☞ 사람들이 P/E 비율이 높음에도 투자를 하는 이유는 미래의 이익을 여전히 좋게 보기 때문이라고 합니다.
예컨대, 성장 혁신주로 유명한 테슬라의 PER는 1월 13일 기준 330.20에 형성되어있다. 테슬라가 연간 벌어들이는 순이익을 330년 동안 모으면 지금 테슬라의 기업가치 (시가총액)가 된다는 의미다. 2022. 1. 14.
22년 1월 14일의 구글 기사입니다. 테슬라의 P/E가 무려 330입니다. 그럼에도 왜 여전히 사람들은 테슬라는 살까요? 미친 걸까요? 여전히 높은 성장을 할 거라는 기대감 때문입니다.
# You’ll also find that the p/e levels tend to be lowest for the slow growers and
highest for the fast growers, with the cyclicals vacillating in between. That’s as it
should be, if you follow the logic of the discussion above. An average p/e for a
utility (7 to 9 these days) will be lower than the average p/e for a stalwart (10 to
14 these days), and that in turn will be lower than the average p/e of a fast
grower (14–20). Some bargain hunters believe in buying any and all stocks with
low p/e’s, but that strategy makes no sense to me. We shouldn’t compare apples
to oranges. What’s a bargain p/e for a Dow Chemical isn’t necessarily the same
as a bargain p/e for a Wal-Mart.
☞ vacillating : to keep changing your ideas about something
☞ in between :
A full discussion of p/e ratios of various industries and different types of
companies would take an entire book that nobody would want to read. It’s silly
to get bogged down in p/e’s, but you don’t want to ignore them. Once again,
your broker may be your best source for p/e analysis. You might begin by asking
whether the p/e ratios of various stocks you own are low, high, or average,
relative to the industry norms. Sometimes you’ll hear things like “this company
is selling at a discount to the industry”—meaning that its p/e is at a bargain level.
☞ bog down : be/get bogged downto be or become so involved with one particular thing that you cannot make any progress
The meeting got bogged down with disputes about who was going to do what.
☞ norms : something that is usual or expected
# A broker can also give you the historical record of a company’s p/e—and the
same information can be found on the S&P reports also available from the
brokerage firm. Before you buy a stock, you might want to track its p/e ratio
back through several years to get a sense of its normal levels. (New companies, of
course, haven’t been around long enough to have such records.)
☞ 몇 년치 P/E를 검토해 볼 수 있다, 영어로 어떻게 할까요?
track its p/e ratio back through several years
track 이라는 표현을 어떻게 썼는지 눈여겨 보세요.
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