* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
오늘부터는 10장입니다. 10장 Earnings, Earnings, Earnings
# When Avon Products sold for $140 a share, it had an extremely high p/e ratio
of 64—though nowhere near as extreme as EDS’s. The important thing here is
that Avon was a huge company. It’s a miracle for even a small company to
expand enough to justify a p/e of 64, but for a company the size of Avon, which
already had over a billion in sales, it would have had to sell megabillions worth of
cosmetics and lotions. In fact, somebody calculated that for Avon to justify a 64
p/e it would have to earn more than the steel industry, the oil industry, and the
State of California combined. That was the best-case scenario. But how many
lotions and bottles of cologne can you sell? As it was, Avon’s earnings didn’t
grow at all. They declined, and the stock price promptly plummeted to $18⅝ in
☞ Avon사(회사이름)와 같은 크기의 회사에게는, 영어로 어떻게 했나요?
for a company the size of Avon
응용해 볼까요? 삼성 정도 되는 규모의 회사에게는, 영어로 어떻게 할까요?
for a company the size of Samsung
☞ cologne : a liquid with a pleasant smell that you put on your skin. It is usually less expensive than perfume.
# The same thing happened at Polaroid. This was another solid company, with
32 years of prosperity behind it, but it lost 89 percent of its value in 18 months.
The stock sold for $143 in 1973 and dropped to $14⅛ in 1974, only to bounce
up to $60 in 1978 and then stumble once again, back to $19 in 1981. At the
market high in 1973, Polaroid’s p/e was 50. It got that high because investors
expected an incredible growth spurt from the new SX-70 camera, but the camera
and the film were overpriced, there were operating problems, and people lost
interest in it.
☞ spurt : a sudden increase in something, for example speed or development
Many children have a growth spurt (=a period when they grow more quickly) in their teens.
She put a spurt on and reached the gate before him.
# Again, the expectations were so unrealistic that even if the SX-70 had
succeeded, Polaroid would probably have had to sell four of them to every family
in America to earn enough money to justify the high p/e. The camera as a
rousing success wouldn’t have done much for the stock. As it was, the camera
was only a moderate success, so it was bad news all around.
☞ a moderate success :
The first film was a moderate success and earned broadly positive reviews.
☞ moderate : neither very great nor very small in amount, size, strength, or degree
Company p/e ratios do not exist in a vacuum. The stock market as a whole
has its own collective p/e ratio, which is a good indicator of whether the market
at large is overvalued or undervalued. I know I’ve already advised you to ignore
the market, but when you find that a few stocks are selling at inflated prices
relative to earnings, it’s likely that most stocks are selling at inflated prices
relative to earnings. That’s what happened before the big drop in 1973–74, and
once again (although not to the same extent) before the big drop of 1987.
☞ in a vacuum : existing separately, or considered separately, from other people, events, or ideas, and not influenced by them
☞ 물론 개별 주식이 중요하고(개별 기업의 매출과 이익, 그리고 주가가 중요하고), 시장은 중요하지 않다고, 피터린치는 주장해 왔습니다. 하지만 그럼에도 불구하고 몇몇 기업의 P/E이 높을 경우, 통상 시장 전체 기업들의 P/E가 높을 확률이 높다고 말합니다. 그때는 주의를 해야 한다는 말입니다. 작년말까지, 그러니까 2021년 말까지 과열된 시장이, 올해 폭락한 이유도 바로 그것이겠죠. 모르긴 몰라도 많은 기업들의 P/E이 상당히 높았을 겁니다. 폭락 직전의 징조(indicator)로 활용해도 좋을 것 같습니다.
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