* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
이제부터는 12장 Getting the Facts입니다.
# Earnings are a good topic, but for some reason it’s not regarded as proper
etiquette to ask the company “How much are you going to make?” any more
than it’s proper etiquette for strangers to ask you your annual salary. The
accepted form of the question is subtle and indirect: “What are the Wall Street
estimates of your company’s earnings for the upcoming year?”
☞ No more … than, Not any more … than
We use no more … than or not any more … than to talk about comparative quantities and degrees. No more than is more formal than not any more than:
It does not tell you much. There is no more detail than in the instructions. (formal)
Flying there isn’t any more expensive than getting the train. (informal)
# As you already know by now, future earnings are hard to predict. Even the
analysts vary widely in their predictions, and companies themselves can’t be sure
how much they’ll earn. The people at Procter and Gamble have a pretty good
idea, since that company makes 82 different products in 100 different brands
and sells them in 107 different countries, so everything tends to even out. But
the people at Reynolds Metals couldn’t possibly tell you, because it all depends
on aluminum prices. If you ask Phelps Dodge what it will earn next year, Phelps
Dodge will turn around and ask you what the price of copper is going to be.
☞ even out : if things even out, or if you even them out, they show fewer or smaller changes or differences
The company saw overseas growth as a way to even out swings in the UK market.
# What you really want from investor relations is the company’s reaction to
whatever script you’ve been trying to develop. Does it make sense? Is it working?
If you wonder if the drug Tagamet will have a significant effect on SmithKline’s
fortunes, the company can tell you that—and they can also give you the latest
figures for Tagamet sales.
☞ relation : the relationship between countries, people, or organizations
We have very good relations with the local police.
# Is there really a two-month backlog on orders for Goodyear tires, and have
tire prices really gone up as you’ve concluded from local evidence? How many
new Taco Bells are being built this year? How much market share has Budweiser
added? Are the Bethlehem Steel plants running at full capacity? What’s the
company’s estimate of the market value of its cable TV properties? If your story
line is well-defined, you’ll know what points to check.
☞ backlog : an amount of work or other things that you should already have done or dealt with
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