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주말특강 (Live Class) - 수업 소개 : 네이버 카페
주말특강 (Live Class) - 수업 소개
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[구어체 영어 공부하는 곳] 구글에서 "advice column"을 검색하면 많이 나옵니다. 특히 NYT 또는 Slate.com의 내용을 추천드립니다.
모든 학습의 후에는 반드시 내가 나중에 반드시 입으로 말해 볼 표현을 확실히 정리해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 밑 빠진 독에 물붓기는 같습니다!
* She looks like my husband’s side of the family. 그녀는 친가쪽을 닮았다.
* She got over the trauma : 그녀는 트라우마를 극복했다.
* while there is a possibility that A절, it’s just as likely (as the possibility) that B절
: 앞의 가능성만큼이나 가능성이 높은 게 B이다!
* grandfather : 할아버지
* great grandfather : 증조 할아버지
* great-great grandfather : 고조 할아버지
* something is out in the open : 공개하다
# Q: I have two daughters, Amy (3) and Anna (7 months). Amy very much looks like my husband’s side of the family. Anna looks like mine (= my side of the family) ; specifically, she looks distinctly like my mother’s father. Anna is the only one to share his looks; neither myself, my brothers, my mother or her siblings take after him.
* distinctly = cleary
* his looks : s가 붙으면 전체적으로 외모가 풍기는 분위기
* my mother or her siblings : 엄마의 siblings = 이모들, 외삼촌
* take after (조상, 친척을 닮았다) = look like
# This would be endearing (and I think it is!) except my maternal grandfather died in a workplace accident when my mother was 5, and neither she nor her younger siblings got over the trauma. A week after he was buried, my grandmother sold everything and moved them all across the country to live with her own parents. It was a tremendous amount of change and grief all at once, and it impacted my mother and her siblings in ways they still struggle with nearly 60 years later.
* This / That : 앞의 내용
* endearing : 사랑스러운
* would : (~라면) ~일거야. = except (unless) 이게 아니라면
* my maternal grandfather : 외할아버지
* got over the trauma : 트라우마를 극복하다
* all across the country : 동부 => 서부, 서부 => 동부: 완전히 반대편으로
* grief : 상실로 인한 슬픔
* all at once 동시에
* struggle with = have trouble with
* in ways ~ = so intensely that ~
# Every time they see Anna, they comment sadly on how much she looks like their father. Even Amy’s starting to notice they seem unhappy with baby Anna. How do I address this while being respectful of their trauma? I’m worried they’re not going to get past this and will continue to treat Anna differently.
* address = deal with 대처하다
* while 한편으로는 ~ 하면서
* get past this = get over this
# A: My two boys each looked like their great- and great-great grandfathers when they were young, and absolutely neither of them looks like thes e ancestors now. So while there is a possibility that Anna may continue to resemble your grandfather, it’s just as likely (as the possibility) that the resemblance will fade (out) as Anna grows and develops more of her own personality and “look.” (I mean, babies just look like old men, you know?) Try to keep that in mind as you weigh your options; while this is frustrating now, time may solve the issue for you.
* great : 증조
* great-great : 고조
* grandfather : 할아버지
부친(父親) 가친(家親)
모친(母親) 자친(慈親)
나를 낳아주신 분
나를 길러주신 분
아버지의 아버지
아버지의 어머니
증조 할아버지
증조 할머니
증조부(曾祖父) 한 할아버지
증조모(曾祖母) 한 할머니
할아버지의 아버지
할아버지의 어머니
고조 할아버지
고조 할머니
고조부(高祖父) 높은 할아버지
고조모(高祖母) 높은 할머니
증조할아버지의 아버지
증조할아버지의 어머니
* Both of them ~ not : 부분 부정 => neither of them 전체 부정
* while there is a possibility that A절, it’s just as likely (as the possibility) that B절
: 앞의 가능성만큼이나 가능성이 높은 게 B이다!
* possible : 불가능하지 않다. ~일 수도 있다. <<< likely ~ 더 높다
* develop 생기다, 바뀌다
* more of : 이전보다 더 생기다
* develops more of her own personality and “look.”
* 외모 : appearance, looks
* the look on his face 표정 / 얼굴 (느낌이 비슷하다) vs looks (외모)
* weigh 저울질하다 = consider
weigh your options : 여러 가지 중 하나를 선택하다
# However, your spirit might not be able to wait for that to happen, in which case it is perfectly reasonable to speak to your mother, with or without her siblings. The next time they break out the sad routine, find an opportunity during the visit - either in the moment or later on (once your girls are napping or something) - to gently bring it up. Express that while you respect that Anna’ appearance is a sad reminder of what they have lost, their reactions are impacting how you feel about their visits, and you’re concerned about the dynamic it’s building between them and the baby. Absolutely mention that Amy has picked up on it, to underscore how (unintentionally) disruptive their approach has been.
*spirit : 정신, 유령.
여기서는 temperament 기질 = nature
* is perfectly reasonable = makes perfect sense
* break out : (갑자기) 발생하다 (코로나, 화재)
* break out the sad routine
* bring it up : 그 얘기를 거론하다
* express : ex (마음 속에 있는 것을) 밖으로 끄집어 내다
* a reminder of ~를 떠올리게 하다
* 접근, 방식 : approach > method
# Doing so is not disrespectful. It’s kind of you to be sensitive to their feelings, but this is their hurdle to overcome. Anna’s appearance is not her fault (nor yours) and it is unfair of them to make her into a talisman of their grief. I’m sure it’s not what they want, either. And perhaps, once this issue is out in the open, you can all brainstorm a way to honor your grandfather in a way that feels good to all parties.
* be 형용사 of = 동사
* be respectful of = respect
* be critical of = citicize
* kind 친절 < 배려
* sensitive : 민감, 배려
* 극복하다 get over = get past = overcome
* unfair : 불공평한 X => 부당한, 올바르지 않은
* make her into a talisman of their grief.
make A into B = turn A into B
* talisman 부적 = 상징
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