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강연제목 : For parents, happiness is a very high bar
Ted 강연 링크 : https://youtu.be/DOgsYATbV-s?si=Gsj59TPPOFjKSk3y
모든 학습의 후에는 반드시 내가 나중에 반드시 입으로 말해 볼 표현을 확실히 정리해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 밑 빠진 독에 물붓기는 같습니다!
* at sixes and sevens = confused 혼란스러운, 우왕좌왕 = at a loss 어쩔 줄 몰라 하는
* I see anxiety. 제 눈에는 걱정이 보입니다.
* He cleared two meters. 2미터를 뛰어 넘었다
# For parents, happiness is a very high bar
* bar = ban = prohibit 장애물, 극복하기 힘든 (높은) 장애물
* For parents, happiness is a very high bar to clear (뛰어넘다) / meet / reach
* He cleared two meters. 2미터를 뛰어 넘었다
# When I was born, there was really only one book about how to raise your children, and it was written by Dr. Spock, called " The Common Sense Book of Baby And Child Care Today, I, as the mother of a six-year-old, walk into Barnes and Noble, and see this.
* really only one book => 정말로, 오히려(in fact)
* raise (bring up = rear) your childen : 아이를 키우다
* see this : 이게 보입니다
# And it is amazing the variety that one finds on those shelves. There are guides to raising an eco- friendly kid, a gluten-free kid, a disease-proof kid, which is a little bit creepy. There are guides to raising a bilingual kid even if you only speak one language at home. Short of teaching your toddler how to defuse a nuclear bomb, there is pretty much a guide to everything.
* Short of ~가 부족한 = without
* defuse : 뇌관을 분리하다 (fuse를 없애다)
=> calm down (상황을 진정시키다)
* guides (answer/solution) to ~ing
* bullet-proof / water-proof (protected from)
* creepy = scary
* pretty much = almost = just about
there is pretty much a guide to everything =>
there is a guide to pretty much everything
# All of these books are well-intentioned. I am sure that many of them are great. But taken together, I am sorry, I do not see help when I look at that shelf. I see anxiety. I see a giant candy-colored monument to our collective panic. And it makes me want to know, why is it that raising our children is associated with so much anguish and so much confusion? Why is it that we are at sixes and sevens about the one thing hum an beings have been doing successfully for millennia? Why is it that so many mothers and fathers experience parenthood as a kind of crisis?
* see anxiety 걱정이 보인다
* monument 기념물
* well-intentioned : 의도"는" 좋다 = well-meaning
* taken together 전체적으로 봤을 때 = overall, altogether, collectively
* I see anxiety. 제 눈에는 걱정이 보입니다.
* why is it that : why를 강조 => it~that 강조구문 => 도대체 왜?
* is associated with : 연관, 연상
* anguish = great pain 정신적/육체적 고통
* at sixes and sevens = confused 혼란스러운 = at a loss 어쩔 줄 몰라 하는
* for millennia 수천년 동안
# Crisis might seem like a strong word, but there is data (= numbers, stats 구체적, 객관적) suggesting it probably isn't (a strong word). Parents experience more stress than non-parents. Their marital satisfaction is lower. There have been a number of studies looking at how parents feel when they are spending time with their kids, and the answer often is, not so great (as we expect).
* suggesting that = showing that ~
* looking at = examing 검토
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