* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
오늘부터는 10장입니다. 10장 Earnings, Earnings, Earnings
# During the five years of the latest bull market, from 1982 to 1987, you could
see the market’s overall p/e ratio creep gradually higher, from about 8 to 16. This
meant that investors in 1987 were willing to pay twice what they paid in 1982
for the same corporate earnings—which should have been a warning that most
stocks were overvalued.
☞ 1982년부터 1987년까지 강세장이었고, 그 사이 P/E 비율은 8에서 16으로 오릅니다. 이말은 1987년에 투자하는 사람들은 1982년에 투자하는 사람들보다 똑같은 영업이익의 기업을 두 배 더 지급하고 살 생각이 있다는 의미입니다. 피터린치는 이 말은 역으로 주가가 고평가되었다는 경고일 수 있음을 알아야 한다고 말하고 있습니다.
# Interest rates have a large effect on the prevailing p/e ratios, since investors
pay more for stocks when interest rates are low and bonds are less attractive. But
interest rates aside, the incredible optimism that develops in bull markets can
drive p/e ratios to ridiculous levels, as it did in the cases of EDS, Avon, and
Polaroid. In that period, the fast growers commanded p/e ratios that belonged
somewhere in Wonderland, the slow growers were commanding p/e ratios
normally reserved for fast growers, and the p/e of the market itself hit a peak of
20 in 1971.
☞ prevailing : existing at a particular time or in a particular place
The prevailing market conditions are not favourable to small investors.
☞ P/E 비율에 영향을 주는 가장 큰 요인은 "이자율(금리)"라고 합니다. 유명한 앙드레 코스톨라니도 비슷한 지적을 했습니다. 주가와 금리와의 관계. 지금 우리도 그걸 목격을 하고 있죠?
# Any student of the p/e ratio could have seen that this was lunacy, and I wish
one of them had told me. In 1973–74 the market had its most brutal correction
since the 1930s.
☞ lunacy : stupid and possibly dangerous ideas or behaviour
Abandoning the peace talks would be sheer lunacy.
Future earnings—there’s the rub. How do you predict those? The best you
can get from current earnings is an educated guess whether a stock is fairly
priced. If you do this much, you’ll never buy a Polaroid or an Avon at a 40 p/e,
nor will you overpay for Bristol-Myers, Coca-Cola, or McDonald’s. However,
what you’d really like to know is what’s going to happen to earnings in the next
month, the next year, or the next decade.
☞ rub : LITERARYa problem, or a difficult situation
# Earnings, after all, are supposed to grow, and every stock price carries with it a
built-in growth assumption.
Battalions of analysts and statisticians are launched against the questions of
future growth and future earnings, and you can pick up the nearest financial
magazine to see for yourself how often they get the wrong answer (the word most
frequently seen with “earnings” is “surprise”). I’m not about to suggest that you
can begin to predict earnings, or growth in earnings, successfully on your own.
☞ battalion : a large group of people with the same aim or opinion
battalions of experts telling us what to do
# Once you got into this game seriously, you’d be boggled by the examples of
stocks that go down even though the earnings are up, because professional
analysts and their institutional clients expected the earnings to be higher, or
stocks that go up even though earnings are down, because that same cheering
section expected the earnings to be lower. These are short-term anomalies, but
nonetheless frustrating to the shareholder who notices them.
☞ anomalies : something unusual, unexpected, or different from what normally happens
a curious anomaly in the regulations
# If you can’t predict future earnings, at least you can find out how a company
plans to increase its earnings. Then you can check periodically to see if the plans
are working out.
There are five basic ways a company can increase earnings*: reduce costs; raise
prices; expand into new markets; sell more of its product in the old markets; or
revitalize, close, or otherwise dispose of a losing operation. These are the factors
to investigate as you develop the story. If you have an edge, this is where it’s
going to be most helpful.
☞ edge : an advantage that makes someone or something more successful than other people or things
Training can give you the edge over your competitors.
Once he can get a clear run he is confident he has the edge over his rivals.
# 이제부터는 11장 The Two-Minute Drill입니다.
The Two-Minute Drill
Already you’ve found out whether you’re dealing with a slow grower,
a stalwart, a fast grower, a turnaround, an asset play, or a cyclical. The p/e ratio
has given you a rough idea of whether the stock, as currently priced, is
undervalued or overvalued relative to its immediate prospects. The next step is to
learn as much as possible about what the company is doing to bring about the
added prosperity, the growth spurt, or whatever happy event is expected to
occur. This is known as the “story.”
☞ prosperity : the situation of being successful and having a lot of money
a time of national prosperity
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