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"전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서로 공부하기 63편, "틈새시장", 영어로 어떻게?

by 북노마드 2022. 8. 18.

* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.

* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.

이제부터는 11장 The Two-Minute Drill입니다.

#Where was the niche? I wanted to know. There were hundreds of motel
rooms at every fork in the road already. Mr. Biegler said they had a specific
target: the small businessman who didn’t care for the budget motel, and if he had
the choice, he’d rather pay less for the equivalent luxury of a Holiday Inn. La
Quinta was there to provide the equivalent luxury, and at locations that were
often more convenient to traveling businessmen.


☞ niche : an opportunity to sell a particular product or service that no one else is selling

The company fills a niche in the digital TV market.

우리말로는 틈새시장 정도가 될 것 같습니다. 

 niche market


☞ fork: 우리가 알고 있는 나이프, 포크할 때 그 포크가 맞습니다. 하지만 이런 뜻도 있습니다. 모양을 상상해 보세요. 

a place where a road, path, or river divides into two parts to form a shape like a ‘Y

# Holiday Inn, which wanted to be all things to all travelers, frequently built its
units just off the access ramps of major turnpikes. La Quinta built its units near
the business districts, government offices, hospitals, and industrial complexes
where its customers were most likely to do business. And because these were
business travelers and not vacationers, a higher percentage of them booked their
rooms in advance, giving La Quinta the advantage of a steadier and more
predictable clientele.


☞  ramp : a slope connecting two levels of a building, road etc

Special ramps have been designed for wheelchair access.

☞ turnpike : 유료도료, 정도로 이해하시면 됩니다.

a(1): a road (such as an expressway) for the use of which tolls are collected
(2): a road formerly maintained as a turnpike
b: a main roadespecially : a paved highway with a rounded surface

 vacationer : a person who is on holiday away from where they usually live


 clientele :

The clientele of a place or organization are its customers or clients.
This pub had a mixed clientele. 
I have built up a loyal clientele for my clothes. 

# Nobody else had captured this part of the market, the middle ground between
the Hilton hotels above and the budget inn below. Also, there was no way that
some newer competitor could sneak up on La Quinta without Wall Street’s
knowing about it. That’s one reason I prefer hotel and restaurant stocks to
technology stocks—the minute you invest in an exciting new technology, a more
exciting and newer technology is brought out of somebody else’s lab. But the
prototypes of would-be hotel and restaurant chains have to show up someplace
—you simply can’t build 100 of them overnight, and if they are in a different
part of the country, they wouldn’t affect you anyway.


 sneak up : to get very near someone before they notice you

sneak up on: 

Don’t sneak up on me like that!

 prefer A to B는 유명한 용법인데, 실은 별로 사용하지 못했을 겁니다. 

That’s one reason I prefer hotel and restaurant stocks to technology stocks


피터 린치는 자신은 기술주보다 호텔 주를 더 선호한다고 말하면서 prefer를 멋지게 사용하고 있습니다. 아래가 다 비슷한 말입니다. 

I prefer hotel stocks to technology stocks

I like hotel stocks more than technology stocks

I like hotel stocks rather than technology stocks

# What about the costs? When small and new companies undertake expensive
projects like hotel construction, the burden of debt can weigh them down for
years. Biegler reassured me on this point as well. He said that La Quinta had
kept costs low by building 120-room inns instead of 250-room inns, by
supervising the construction in-house, and by following a cookie-cutter
blueprint. Furthermore, a 120-room operation could be managed by a live-in
retired couple, which saved on overhead. And most impressive, La Quinta had
struck a deal with major insurance companies who were providing all the
financing at favorable terms, in exchange for a small share in the profits. 

☞ weigh them down :



weight down

to make something heavier by putting a weight on it, especially in order to stop it from moving

He had weighted the bag with rocks.

☞ in-house : done, working, or happening inside a company or organization

in-house training

We have an experienced team of in-house lawyers who deal with such cases.

