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[조앤 K 롤링 강연 공부하기] 천부적 재능이 있다, 영어로 어떻게 말하지?

by 북노마드 2024. 3. 27.

* 본 포스팅은 오성호 강사님의 Live Class를 기반으로 제작되었으며, 영어실력 향상을 꾀하신다면 실제 강사님의 강의를 직접 수강할 것을 적극 권장 드립니다. 

주말특강 (Live Class) - 수업 소개 : 네이버 카페 


주말특강 (Live Class) - 수업 소개

안녕하세요, 오성호입니다. Live Class 라는 이름으로 4년 정도 해오다가 강의명을 [주말특강]으로 바꿨습니다. 주말특강에 대해 알려드릴게요. 1. Zoom 플...


강연제목 : J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement

강연 링크 : https://youtu.be/wHGqp8lz36c?si=rHpQWZOUAbXubZGG

모든 학습의 후에는 반드시 내가 나중에 반드시 입으로 말해 볼 표현을 확실히 정리해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 밑 빠진 독에 물붓기는 같습니다!

* I had a knack for passing examinations 시험 잘 보는 데는 천부적 재능이 있었다.


* my peers 동급생, 동년배 


* I am not dull enough to  : ~할 정도로 멍청하지는 않아요 = ~ 는 안 합니다


inoculate/immunize/protect/vaccinate somebody against something  A를 B로부터 보호하다


* Fastes 세상사 = fortunes = ups and downs


* be acquainted with : ~ 에 익숙하다

She was well acquainted with classical literature.

# What I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure. At your age, in spite of a distinct lack of motivation at university, where I had spent far too long in the coffee bar writing stories, and far too little time at lectures, I had a knack for passing examinations, and that, for
years, had been the measure of success in my life and that of my peers.
I am not dull enough to suppose that because you are young, gifted and well educated, you have never known hardship or heartbreak. Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the Fates, and I do not for a moment suppose that everyone here has enjoyed an existence of unruffled privilege and contentment.


a distinct lack of motivation : distinct 누가 봐도 명백하게 부족했어요


* knack 천부적 재능

1 [singular] a natural skill or ability  talentknack for doing something Some people seem to have a knack for making money.knack of doing something Thomson’s knack of scoring vital goals makes him important to the team.

2  have a knack of doing something


* I had a knack for passing examinations 시험 잘 보는 데는 천부적 재능이 있었다.


*  my peers 동급생, 동년배


I am not dull enough to  : ~할 정도로 멍청하지는 않아요 = ~ 는 안 합니다 


* suppose = assume  생각하다


heartbreak : 마음의 상처


inoculate = immunize = protect


inoculate/immunize/protect/vaccinate somebody against something 

A를 B로부터 보호하다


i‧noc‧u‧late /ɪˈnɒkjəleɪt $ ɪˈnɑː-/ verb [transitive]    to protect someone against a disease by putting a weak form of the disease into their body using a needle  immunize, vaccinateinoculate somebody against something 

All the children had been inoculated against hepatitis.


pro‧tect /prəˈtekt/ ●●● S2 W2 verb    1 [intransitive, transitive] to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness  protection, protective 

Are we doing enough to protect the environment?

protect somebody/something from something The cover protects the machine from dust.

protect somebody/something against something Physical exercise can protect you against heart disease.

protect against something Waxing your car will help protect against rust.


im‧mu‧nize (also immunise British English) /ˈɪmjənaɪz/ verb [transitive]    

to protect someone from a particular illness by giving them a vaccine SYN vaccinate, inoculate

immunize somebody against something There is still no vaccine to immunize people against the virus.


vac‧cin‧ate /ˈvæksəneɪt/ verb [transitive]    to protect a person or animal from a disease 

by giving them a vaccine SYN immunize

vaccinate somebody against something All children should be vaccinated against measles.


* caprice  : 변덕, 예측불허 (unpredictability)

ca‧price /kəˈpriːs/ noun    1 [countable, uncountable] a sudden and unreasonable change of mind or behaviour the caprices of a spoilt child2 [uncountable] the tendency to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way


un‧pre‧dict‧a‧ble /ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəbəl◂/ ●○○ AWL adjective    1 changing a lot so it is impossible to know what will happen unpredictable weather the unpredictable nature of language2 someone who is unpredictable tends to change their behaviour or ideas suddenly, so that you never know what they are going to do or think


* Fate : 운명 => Fastes 세상사 = fortunes = ups and downs


 WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU [countable usually plural] the good or bad things that happen in life a downturn in the company’s fortunes This defeat marked a change in the team’s fortunes. The geographical position of the frontier fluctuated with the fortunes of war (=the things that can happen during a war).


* an existence of unruffled privilege and contentment


an existence of : = a _________  exstence : ~ 삶


* contentment = 만족 = happiness


* ruffle : 막 머리를 헝퀴어 뜨리는 것


* unruffled :  그대로- 

# However, the fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well acquainted with failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success. Indeed, your conception of failure might not be too far from the average person’s idea
of success, so high have you already flown.


* suggest : 제안하다X  => 가능성, 시사 (약한 느낌임) : 아마 이게 아닐까, 라고 생각 


* are not very well acquainted with : 익숙하지 않다


be acquainted with something

formal to know about something, because you have seen it, read it, used it etc 

She was well acquainted with classical literature.


* driven = 움직임 


원동력 : a driving force 

someone or something that has the power to make things happen:

a driving force behind/for/in sth The explosion in stock market wealth has been an important driving force behind consumer spending.
Trade is the driving force for sustained economic prosperity.
Women are definitely a driving force in the industry, she said.

* your conception of failure : conception = idea : 여러분이 생각하는 실패


* so high have you already flown = you have already flown so high.


