* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
6장 Stalking the Tenbagger, 여덟 번째 시간입니다.
# Then if you missed Tagamet, you had a second chance with Glaxo and its
own wonder drug for ulcers—Zantac. Zantac went through testing in the early
eighties and got its U.S. approval in 1983. Zantac was just as well-received as
Tagamet, and just as profitable to Glaxo. In mid-1983 Glaxo’s stock sold for
$7.50 and moved up to $30 in 1987.
☞ 미국 승인을 받다, 를 영어로 하면요?
got its U.S. approval in 1983
그렇다면 FDA 승인을 받다, 도 영어로 할 수 있겠죠?
got its FDA approval
☞ well-received 뜻은 뭘까요?
getting a good reaction from people
# Did the doctors who prescribed Tagamet and Zantac buy shares in
SmithKline and Glaxo? Somehow I doubt that many did. It’s more likely that
the doctors were fully invested in oil stocks. Perhaps they heard that Union Oil
of California was a takeover candidate. Meanwhile, the Union Oil executives
were probably buying drug stocks, especially the hot issues like American Surgery
Centers, which sold for $18.50 in 1982 and fell to 5 cents.
☞ doubt 은 don't think 와 유사합니다.
to think that something is unlikely
# In general, if you polled all the doctors, I’d bet only a small percentage would
turn out to be invested in medical stocks, and more would be invested in oil; and
if you polled the shoe-store owners, more would be invested in aerospace than in
shoes, while the aerospace engineers are more likely to dabble in shoe stocks.
Why it is that stock certificates, like grasses, are always greener in somebody
else’s pasture I’m not sure.
☞ 아이러니죠? 의사들은 제약회사 주식을 사지 않고, 신발가게 사장들은 신발회사가 아닌 우주항공회사를 산다고 하니까요? 마치 누구를 보는 것 같지 않습니까?(웃음)
그러니 여러분도 바로 주위에서 대박 잘 팔리는 제품을 보고, 이것 봐라? 하는 생각을 한번쯤 해 봐야 합니다. 이거 너무 잘 팔리는 것 아닌가 하는 그런 생각 말입니다. 그런 생각이 들 때 바로 해당 회사의 주식을 눈여겨 보시기 바랍니다. 바로 여러분이 직접 이른바 대박종목을 찾아내는 바로 그 순간일지 모릅니다.
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