* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
6장 Stalking the Tenbagger, 여섯 번째 시간입니다.
# Can’t think of any such opportunity in your own life? What if you’re retired,
live ten miles from the nearest traffic light, grow your own food, and don’t have
a television set? Well, maybe one day you have to go to a doctor. The rural
existence has given you ulcers, which is the perfect introduction to SmithKline
☞☞☞ 스스로 작물을 재배하다, 영어로 어떻게 할까요?
grow your own food
** grow up : used for talking about the things that happened while you were a child
I grew up in London.
** give someone ulcers : to make someone extremely worried
# Hundreds of doctors, thousands of patients, and millions of friends and
relatives of patients heard about the wonder drug Tagamet, which came on the
market in 1976. So did the pharmacist who dispensed the pills and the delivery
boy who spent half his workday delivering them. Tagamet was a boon for the
afflicted, and a bonanza for investors.
☞☞☞ 판매되기 시작하다, 영어로 어떻게 할까요? begin to sell? 이 따위 표현을 만들 수도 있겠지만, come과 전치사를 써서 간단하게 표현할 수 있습니다.
came on the market in 1976
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