* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.
* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.
6장 Stalking the Tenbagger, 열 한 번째 시간입니다.
# Here we’ve been talking about the oil executive and his knowledge, and
lumping him and it together in the same chapter with the knowledge of the
customers in the checkout line at Pep Boys. Of course it’s absurd to contend that
the one is equal to the other. One is a professional’s understanding of the
workings of an industry; the other is a consumer’s awareness of a likable product.
Both are useful in picking stocks, but in different ways.
☞ lump : to put people or things into the same group, although they do not really belong together
They’re lumping together all of these children.
☞ likeable : pleasant, friendly, and easy to like
a likeable character
# The professional’s edge is especially helpful in knowing when and when not
to buy shares in companies that have been around awhile, especially those in the
so-called cyclical industries. If you work in the chemical industry, then you’ll be
among the first to realize that demand for polyvinyl chloride is going up, prices
are going up, and excess inventories are going down. You’ll be in a position to
know that no new competitors have entered the market and no new plants are
under construction, and that it takes two to three years to build one. All this
means higher profits for existing companies that make the product.
☞ cyclical : cyclical events happen again and again in the same order or at the same times
☞ 경기순환주, 라고 합니다. 영어로는 어떻게 할까요? The cyclical industries에서 유추해 볼 수 있습니다.
A cyclical stock is one whose underlying business generally follows the economic cycle of expansion and recession. Cyclical businesses perform well during economic expansions but typically experience significantly declining sales and profits during recessions and other challenging economic times.
☞ 가격이 오르다. 수요가 오르다, 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?
the demand is going up
the prices are going up
반대로 "재고가 줄다"는 영어로 어떻게 말하나요?
the inventories are going down
간단하게 go up, go down만 잘 써도 이런 표현이 가능합니다.
# Or if you own a Goodyear tire store and suddenly after three years of sluggish
sales you notice that you can’t keep up with new orders, you’ve just received a
strong signal that Goodyear may be on the rise. You already know that
Goodyear’s new high-performance tire is the best. You call up your broker and
ask for the latest background information on the tire company, instead of
waiting for the broker to call to tell you about Wang Laboratories.
☞ sluggish : not performing or reacting as well as usual
a sluggish economy
☞ 주문량을 못 따라 잡다, 주문을 못 맞추다, 영어로는 어떻게 하나요?
you can’t keep up with new orders
keep up with가 따라잡다, 라는 뜻이죠?
to make progress or learn at the same speed as someone or something
☞ 가격이 오르다, 수요가 늘고 있다, 를 go up이라고 간단하게 표현했습니다. 그런데 비슷한 표현이 바로 나옵니다.
on the rise :
1: increasing in amount, number, level, etc.
Prices are on the rise again.The water level in the lake is on the rise.
Goodyear may be on the rise, 는 굿이어(회사이름)가 좋아지고 있다는 뜻입니다!
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