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"전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서로 공부하기 25편 - "성장주에 대한 다양한 표현", 영어로?

by 북노마드 2022. 5. 23.

* 전설적인 펀드 매니저 피터 린치의 "전설로 떠나는 월가의 영웅" 원서를 통해 투자공부와 영어공부, 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡기 위한 컨텐츠입니다.

* 원서 제목은 "One up on wall street" 입니다.

6장 Stalking the Tenbagger, 스무 다섯 번째 시간입니다.

# There’s plenty of risk in fast growers, especially in the younger companies that
tend to be overzealous and underfinanced. When an underfinanced company has
headaches, it usually ends up in Chapter 11. Also, Wall Street does not look
kindly on fast growers that run out of stamina and turn into slow growers, and
when that happens, the stocks are beaten down accordingly.

☞ overzealous : doing something so much that it causes problems

underfinanced : without being given enough money to operate effectively

an underfinanced state pension system


accordingly : as a result of something

No formal complaint was made; accordingly, the police took no action.

# I’ve already mentioned how electric utilities, especially the ones in the
Sunbelt, went from being fast growers to being slow growers. In the 1960s
plastics was a high-growth industry. Plastics were so much on people’s minds
that when the word “plastics” was whispered to Dustin Hoffman in the movie
The Graduate, the word itself became a famous line. Dow Chemical got into
plastics, enjoyed a vigorous growth spurt, and was beloved as a fast grower for
several years. Then the growth slowed down and Dow became a sober chemical
company, a sort of plodder with cyclical overtones.

성장주에 대한 다양한 표현들에 집중해 보세요!
being fast growers
a high-growth industry
a vigorous growth spurt

☞ vigorous : full of energy, enthusiasm, or determination

We need a vigorous campaign to reduce deaths on the roads.

20 minutes of vigorous exercise

a vigorous debate

They demanded more vigorous action to tackle the disease.


☞ spurt : a sudden increase in something, for example speed or development

Many children have a growth spurt (=a period when they grow more quickly) in their teens.

put a spurt on (=suddenly start to run or do something much faster than before): 

She put a spurt on and reached the gate before him.


☞ beloved : /bɪˈlʌvd/very much liked by someone

beloved of/by: Internet newsgroups, beloved of computer nerds around the world


☞ sober : plain and not brightly coloured

I’d suggest wearing something more sober for an event like this.


☞ plodder : someone who works hard at a slow steady rate but is not very intelligent and does not have any good ideas of their own


☞ overtone : a quality or feature that is noticeable but not obvious

a book with political overtones

# Aluminum was a great growth industry even into the 1960s and so was
carpets, but when these industries matured, the companies within them became
GNP-type growers, and the stock market yawned.

~도 마찬가지야, 라는 표현이 또 나옵니다. So + 동사 + 주어

Aluminum was a great growth industry even into the 1960s and so was

카펫산업도 마찬가지로 60년대까지 엄청난 성장주였다, 라는 뜻입니다.

# So while the smaller fast growers risk extinction, the larger fast growers risk a
rapid devaluation when they begin to falter. Once a fast grower gets too big, it
faces the same dilemma as Gulliver in Lilliput. There’s simply no place for it to
stretch out.

☞ falter : to stop being effective or making progress

Peace talks have faltered.


  일단 ~ 하면, 이라는 표현이 다시 나왔습니다. once 주어 + 동사, 입니다. 엄청난 성장주가 거대해지게 되면, 어떻게 표현했나요? 

Once a fast grower gets too big


테슬라가 일단 거대해지게 되면, 어떻게 표현할까요?

Once Tesla gets too big


 자, 현실적인 질문 드리겠습니다. 테슬라는 피터 린치의 표현에 따르면 이미 너무 커져버린 걸까요?^^ 스스로 답해 보네요!

