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주말특강 (Live Class) - 수업 소개 : 네이버 카페
주말특강 (Live Class) - 수업 소개
안녕하세요, 오성호입니다. Live Class 라는 이름으로 4년 정도 해오다가 강의명을 [주말특강]으로 바꿨습니다. 주말특강에 대해 알려드릴게요. 1. Zoom 플...
강연제목 : For parents, happiness is a very high bar
Ted 강연 링크 : https://youtu.be/DOgsYATbV-s?si=Gsj59TPPOFjKSk3y
모든 학습의 후에는 반드시 내가 나중에 반드시 입으로 말해 볼 표현을 확실히 정리해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 밑 빠진 독에 물붓기는 같습니다!
* I work for Apple. 나는 애플에서 일해.
I work for Samsung. 나는 삼성에서 일해.
* That will pay off 결실을 맺을 것이다
# Rather than them working for us, we began to work for them, because within only a matter of decades it became clear: if we wanted our kids to succeed, school was not enough.
Today, extracurricular activities are a kid's new work, but that's work for us too, because we are the ones because we are the ones driving them to soccer practice. Massive piles of homework are a kid's new work,but that's also work for us,because we have to check it. About three years ago, a Texas woman told something to me that totally broke my heart. She said, almost casually, "Homework is the new dinner." Mothers now spend more time with their children than they did in 1965, when most women were not even in the workforce.
* work for 회사
* 극성 엄마, 대치동 엄마들 => a helicopter mom
* almost casually
casual (지나가듯이 한 마디, 가볍게, 무심코) <=> serious (생각을 많이 하는)
* in 1965, when most women were not even in the workforce.
1965년, 그 때에 (=when) ~
most women 대부분 => 다수의 여성들
the workforce 경제활동인구 => be in the workforce 경제활동을 하다
# It would probably be easier for parents to do their new roles if they knew what they were preparing their kids for. We have no clue what portion of our wisdom, if any, is of use to our kids. This was true even when I was young. When I was a kid, I was told that I would be at sea in the new global economy if I did not know Japanese. And with all due respect to the Japanese, it didn't turn out that way. Now there is a certain kind of middle class parent that is obsessed with teaching their kids Mandarin, and maybe they're onto something, but we cannot know for sure.
* It would probably be easier ~ if they knew what they were preparing their kids for : 가정법 과거 => 현실과 반대 : 안다면 ~ 쉬울 것이다
I prepare myself for the exam.
Parents prepare their kids for the future => what they were preparing their kids for : "무엇을 위해서" 아이들을 준비시키는지
* We have no clue what portion of our wisdom = We are clueless
* if any = if there's any wisdom 만약 있다면, 있는지 없는지 불확실
* be at sea = be at a loss 길을 잃은, 혼란스러운
* due = appropriate 적합
* with all due respect to the Japanese : 외람되지만
* turn out tp be 입증되다 = prove to be
* they're onto something : 뭔가를 알고 있다
# So, absent being able to anticipate the future, what we all do, as good parents, is try and prepare our kids for every possible kind of future, hoping that just one of our efforts will pay off. We teach our kids chess, thinking maybe they will need analytical skills. We sign them up for team spor ts, thinking maybe they will need collaborative skills, you know, for when they go to Harvard Business School. We try and teach them to be financially savvy and science-minded and eco-friendly and gluten-free, though now is probably a good time to tell you that I was not eco-friendly and gluten-free as a child.
* absent = without
* pay off : 성과, 성공, 결실
That will pay off 결실을 맺을 것이다
* skill 기술, 능력
* sign up = register 등록
* savvy 전문가 같은
financially savvy 금융전문가
* science-minded 과학머리
* 개혁 성향 : reform-minded
He is politically minded = is interested in politics
# I ate jars of pureed macaroni and beef. And you know what? I'm doing okay. I pay my taxes. I hold down a steady job. I was even invited to speak at TED. But the presumption now is that what was good enough for me, or for my folks for that matter, isn't good enough anymore. So we all make a mad dash to that bookshelf, because we feel like if we aren't trying everything, it's as if we're doing nothing and we're defaulting on our obligations to our kids.
* And you know what? 그거 아세요? => 그런데요,
* hold down a steady job : hold down 경찰이 범인을 잡아서 못 일어나게 아래로 꽉 잡고 있는 것
=> 안정적인 직장을 오랫동안 다니고 있다(꽉 잡고 있다)
* presumption > assumption 전제, 단정 - 당연시
* or for my folks for that matter : for that matter는 앞의 or를 강조