* 본 포스팅은 오성호 강사님의 Live Class를 기반으로 제작되었으며, 영어실력 향상을 꾀하신다면 실제 강사님의 강의를 직접 수강할 것을 적극 권장 드립니다.
주말특강 (Live Class) - 수업 소개 : 네이버 카페
주말특강 (Live Class) - 수업 소개
안녕하세요, 오성호입니다. Live Class 라는 이름으로 4년 정도 해오다가 강의명을 [주말특강]으로 바꿨습니다. 주말특강에 대해 알려드릴게요. 1. Zoom 플...
강연제목 : For parents, happiness is a very high bar
Ted 강연 링크 : https://youtu.be/DOgsYATbV-s?si=Gsj59TPPOFjKSk3y
모든 학습의 후에는 반드시 내가 나중에 반드시 입으로 말해 볼 표현을 확실히 정리해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 밑 빠진 독에 물붓기는 같습니다!
* goes something like this : 이런 식으로 진행됩니다
* gripes = compaints 불평, 불만
* be multi-tasking : 멀티태스킹을 하다
* odds are = chances are = it is likely 가능성이 높다
# So it's hard enough to navigate our new roles as mothers and fathers. Now add to this problem something else: we are also navigating new roles as husbands and wives because most women today are in the workforce. This is another reason, I think, that parenthood feels like a crisis. We have no rules, no scripts, no norms for what to do when a child comes along now that both mom and dad are breadwinners.
* Now add to this problem something else: Now - 그런데
* a child comes along = a child is born
* breadwinners 가장
# The writer Michael Lewis once put this very, very well. He said that the surest way for a couple to start fighting is for them to go out to dinner with another couple whose division of labor is ever so slightly different from theirs, because the conversation in the car on the way home goes something like this: "So, did you catch [notice] that Dave is the one who walks them to school every morning?" Without scripts telling us who does what in this brave new world, couples fight, and both mothers and fathers each have their legitimate gripes.
* division of labor : 분업 => 가사분담
* goes something like this : 이런 식으로 진행됩니다
* brave new : 무지 새로운, 완전히 새로운
* gripes = compaints 불평, 불만
* legitimate 합법적인 => 합리적인(reasonable), 무리가 아닌
# Mothers are much more likely to be multi-tasking when they are at home, and fathers, when they are at home, are much more likely to be mono-tasking. Find a guy at home, and odds are he is doing just one thing at a time. In fact, UCLA recently did a study looking at the most common configuration of family members in middle class homes.
* be multi-tasking : 멀티태스킹을 하다
* odds : s가 붙으면 명사 => 확률, 가능성
odds are = chances are = it is likely 가능성이 높다
* odd 형용사 : 이상한
* In fact : 실제로
* configuration : (컴퓨터) 환경설정 => 기본 뜻은 '구성'
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