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영어공부하기: China may see 'million' deaths, predict experts China may see 'million' deaths, predict experts * see : 보이다. 보이게 된다. 중요한 것은 뒤의 목적어!!! = There may be a millon deaths in China # The emergency ward of this hospital in the Shanghai suburbs was filled to the hallways with patients on Thursday. A notice in the room said the wait to be seen was an average of five hours. * ward : 병동 a large room in a hospital with beds for people to stay in a surgica.. 2023. 2. 21.
영작 공부하기: 직장을 알아보다, 영어로? 1. 네가 만약 대통령이면 현 상황을 어떻게 타개하실 건가요? (나의 영작) If you were President, how would you deal with the present issue? (모범 답안) If you were president the current situation What would you do in this situation? How would you deal with / handle / approach / address the current situation? How would you get us out of this mess? 상황 // 교착상태 the deadlock a situation in which neither person or group involved in a d.. 2023. 2. 19.
One Woman Discovers The Wage Gap Thank you 1,273 dollars after taxes. Wait, you make 1,273 dollars? Yeah, what do you make? 78% of that. But that's so weird because we have the same job; that's not fair. Unless... Can you give this folder to Mark? Sure! - Thank you. Hey, can you give this folder to Mark? * after taxes / pre-tax, post-tax that's not fair. Unless... *계약서에서는 "예외"를 얘기할 때 unless를 사용함 Hey, can you give this folder to.. 2023. 2. 19.
# 기차는 이용하지 않기로 했다, 영어로 어떻게 할까요? # 기차는 이용하지 않기로 했다, 영어로 어떻게 할까요? 어디를 이동할 때 여러가지 선택지가 있을 수 있습니다. 개중에 한 가지를 선택하지 않기로 했을 때 표현을 어떻게 할까요? ~에 반하여 결심했다, 라고 표현합면 됩니다. decided against the train 이라고 표현하면 됩니다. 맥밀란 사전에서 찾아보겠습니다. # (decide against someone/something) to not choose someone or something In the end we decided against the house because it was too small. 그러니까 그걸 안 하기로 한 겁니다. against 뒤에 사람도 올 수 있고 사물도 올 수 있습니다. 심지어 동명사도 올 수 있습니다. .. 2023. 2. 13.